Things You Should Know Before Getting Dental Crowns

Thanks to modern dentistry, there are many options to restore a damaged tooth. Among them, you may find dental fillings, dental veneers, and dental crowns in Millwoods

Our cosmetic dentist in Millwoods will explain the things you should know before getting dental crowns near you.

What are Dental Crowns?

A dental crown is a cap that fits over a tooth or a dental implant. A prosthodontic dentist near you will evaluate you and determine if you require one or not.

If you have an extremely large cavity, a dental filling will not work because it doesn’t withstand heavy forces, and the tooth may crack. It is due to this reason that dental professionals opt for more resistant materials, such as porcelain, to restore these damaged dental pieces.

Types of Dental Crowns

A dental crown can be made of multiple materials. Among these, you may find stainless steel, porcelain, metal, metal fused with porcelain, and more. 

The most expensive ones are gold and may reach up to $2,500. They may last up to a lifetime. 

The most popular are porcelain because they match the color of your teeth. They may last up to two decades and cost from $500 up to $1,000.

What to Expect of the Procedure?

Before the procedure, your dental professional will take a set of x-rays of your tooth to determine how much dental structure is healthy. They may need to perform a root canal before placing a dental crown.

If the dental piece is irreparable, your doctor will extract the tooth and suggest dental implant surgery. A dental implant is a small post that your dental professional drills inside your jawbone to replace the root of your missing tooth.

You will need to wait three months for the dental implant to fuse with your jawbone to opt for dental crowns in Millwoods. After this time, your prosthodontic dentist will take a mold of the area and send it to a dental laboratory. A dental technician will create your dental crown with a specific material according to your needs. 

Finally, your doctor will install the crown on top of the implant.

When the crown caps your natural tooth, a doctor will administer a local anesthetic to shave the enamel down. They will take an impression of your tooth, and a dental laboratory will create the crown.

While it is ready, your dental professional will place a temporary one to protect your tooth. We recommend not chewing with that side of the mouth until you have the permanent one not to damage it. 

For the placement of the crown, your doctor will ask you to bite down to determine if there are any interferences. If it fits correctly, they will use special cement that lasts for several years. You will now show a beautiful smile to the world.

Caring for Your Crown

For your dental crown to last many years, you must take good care of it. Brush your teeth twice a day with fluoride toothpaste, floss between teeth, avoid hard foods and chewing ice, and visit your dental professional every six months.

During dental checkups, your doctor will monitor your teeth and gums and the condition of your dental restorations, like dental fillings and dental crowns, among others.

Contact Us Today

If you are interested in getting a dental crown or any dental restorations, you may visit our centers at your best convenience. We have a team of doctors that look forward to helping you enhance your smile.

Our goal is to help you improve your oral health for better life quality.

Address: 322-6203 28 Ave NW, Edmonton, AB T6L 6K3, Canada