5 Botox After Care Tips To Make The Most Out Of Your Treatment

Botox is a highly demanded procedure among both women and men who want to reduce the wrinkles in their skin for a younger appearance. It is a derivative of botulinum toxic, but it is not dangerous for your health.

How Does it Work?

There is a misconception that cosmetic botox in Millwoods paralyzes your face, but this is only a misbelief. Actually, Botox relaxes the muscles of your face temporarily to avoid the forming of lines in commonly wrinkled areas, such as the sides of your mouth or at the outer corners of your eyes. As you may know, natural actions like frowning or laughing cause the contractions of your muscles, and in time, this contraction is what causes all the wrinkling.

The key to a successful treatment is looking for a specialist in cosmetic Botox near you; otherwise, you may look unnatural or have further issues, such as complete paralysis of your face.

Keep in mind that Botox is not a permanent treatment. If you discontinue it, your wrinkles will be back; however, you can do a touch up any time you want.

To make the most out of your treatment, a specialist in our dental clinic Millwoods will list five Botox aftercare tips. Let’s check them out!

1. Don’t Apply Pressure on Your Face For 24 Hours

After your treatment, you must avoid touching your face for the first 24 hours. The reason for it is that, even though Botox is no filler, you may move the toxin to another area, resulting in drooping eyelids, for example, or in worse cases, damaging a nerve.

2. Avoid Strenuous Activity

One of the perks of Botox is that you can resume your daily activities right after. You can go back to work and to your daily chores right away.

Many patients come to our dental clinic in Millwoods and ask if they can exercise after a Botox injection. The answer is yes; however, keep it light for the first 48 hours to avoid further issues. Keep in mind that it is common to feel mild discomfort during this period.

Among other side effects, you can have redness in the targeted area, minor swelling, and numbness.

3. Sleeping Position

We know that some people can only sleep in a specific position, but if you are undergoing Botox treatment, try to sleep on your back for the first night because lying down can interfere in the weakening of the treated muscles.

4. Pain Medication

As we mentioned above, you can experience mild discomfort during the first couple of days; however, it is not usual. Most patients have stated that they don’t feel any pain or discomfort and don’t need any painkillers. Nevertheless, if you feel soreness and want to take pain medication, you can go for Acetaminophen. There is no need to take strong painkillers. Also, your doctor may prescribe you a cream to numb the sore area.

Ice packs are also helpful. You may apply them on the treated area for 10 minutes on and 10 minutes off, and repeat until you feel relieved.

5. Exercise the Muscles

After your treatment, don’t be afraid of natural facial gestures, such as smiling and frowning. You will feel natural in little time and look amazing.

Schedule Your Appointment

If you have any other concerns or doubts regarding Botox, you may visit our dental clinic near you, and one of our professionals will happily answer any questions you may have. Feel free to discuss your expectations with our team to determine if you qualify for Botox or are interested in an alternative treatment.

Address: 322-6203 28 Ave NW, Edmonton, AB T6L 6K3, Canada