How Do Dental Veneers Work?

Ah, dental veneers. Every day more and more patients visit our cosmetic dentist in Millwoods asking for this treatment due to their exceptional results.

It is safe to say that the majority of people, if not all, want to show a movie-star smile to the world. Every time you see a movie, the bad guy has unattractive yellow teeth; and the good guy has a perfect smile. A bright smile not only shows that you take care of yourself and have discipline with your oral care routine, but it also boosts your self-esteem and makes you feel happier. Some studies even show that a person with a pearly white smile has better chances of getting hired and even finding a love partner.

However, not everybody is that lucky, and many patients look for dental veneers in Millwoods because of their unappealing smiles. Dark, crooked, and chipped teeth are some of the causes of why people are demanding dental veneers.

Look no further to know how they work.

Dental Veneers

You may be looking for dental veneers near you, but do you know what they are? Dental veneers are a cosmetic dental treatment, and they are made of porcelain or composite resin. Porcelain veneers are thin shells of porcelain that a cosmetic dentist near you places on the visible part of one or many teeth to conceal some defects. You can discuss your preferences with your dental professional to determine the length and white shade of yours.

As for the composite resin ones, they are less expensive but also have a shorter life (five to seven years). Your cosmetic dentist reshapes your tooth in a single appointment, using composite resin.

The Power of Porcelain Veneers

Porcelain veneers are superior to composite resin ones. They last longer, they are stain-resistant, and they strengthen your teeth.

Let’s detail the benefits of dental veneers:

1. Stain-Resistant

As we mentioned above, porcelain is stain resistant; hence, you can eat and drink any foods and beverages freely, without the fear that they will stain. On the contrary, composite resin can get stained, so you have to be more careful with the consumption of colored substances.

2. Conceals Chipped Teeth

If you have one or many cracked teeth, you can mask them with porcelain veneers. Once your cosmetic dentist bonds the porcelain veneer, your teeth will be virtually chip-free.

3. Fast Treatment

Placing composite resin veneers can be done in a single appointment. As for the porcelain veneers, it takes only two. In the first one, your dental professional will shave down a small amount of enamel and take an impression of your teeth, which he or she will send to a dental laboratory for the manufacturing of the veneers. In the second appointment, they will bond them to the visible part of your teeth (the front part). 

The procedure is pain-free, and you don’t need any recovery time afterward.

4. Corrects Gapped Teeth

If you have space between a couple of teeth, you can opt for dental veneers to cover them for a better appearance. Also, filling the gaps will prevent food particles from getting stuck in the area, which will decrease the risk of developing any cavities.

As you can tell, there is little reason not to schedule an appointment with a cosmetic dentist to determine if you qualify for dental veneers. Your teeth will be healthier and look more beautiful, and the procedure is completely pain-free.

If you have any other questions, feel free to contact our dental offices. We have a team of caring specialists that look forward to helping you achieve a Hollywood smile, like you always wanted.

Address: 322-6203 28 Ave NW, Edmonton, AB T6L 6K3, Canada