What's The Best Age To Schedule My Baby's First Pediatric Dental Appointment

Your baby’s first teeth represent a major dental milestone in their life.  

And while it may seem really early to think about a dentist appointment, booking in to see a pediatric dentist near you is an important first step.  

A good dentist will be able to look at your child’s mouth, make sure there are no major complications, and help get them setup for a lifetime of good oral health.

When Do Childrens Teeth Come In?

Generally speaking, you can reasonably expect your child’s first teeth to come in anywhere from six to ten months.  This is by no means a firm rule, and if the teeth come in a little earlier or later, there’s no reason to panic.  

For the majority of children, their teeth will come in normally by the end of the first year.

How Old Should My Child Be For Their First Appointment?

You’ll want to schedule your first appointment at a pediatric dentist in Millwoods either shortly after the first tooth develops or by the age of one.  

While waiting a little longer isn’t the worst thing in the world, two is the absolute latest age you’ll want to leave it.  The reality is that the sooner you can get in to a dentist, the more of a jump start you can get on your child’s oral health.  

It’ll also give your dentist the opportunity to spot any issues or problems early.  For many parents, new teeth are yet another source of worry (particularly when your baby is having a rough time with it), so the fact that you’ll have a qualified professional checking up on everything to make sure it’s alright can be a major source of relief.

What To Expect In Your First Appointment

When most adults think of a dentists appointment, they imagine a process filled with a lot of scrubbing, cleaning and (if you’re unlucky) drilling.

But in most cases, a child’s first pediatric appointment is a much quicker and simpler procedure.  

Basically, your pediatric dentist in Millwoods is going to want to have a look inside your baby’s mouth to make sure that there are no problems.  That includes looking at and counting the teeth that are coming in and ensuring that the gums are healthy, as well as checking on the child’s bite.

The first appointment is also a great opportunity to familiarize your baby with a dental environment and for you to get any questions that need answering answered.  This can include anything from proper cleaning and care to good nutrition.  

Your pediatric dentist will also educate you on what to expect going forward, and what to look for in your child’s oral development.

And while the first appointment can be a stressful experience (both for you and your baby) there are a few things that you can do to prepare, including playing games beforehand and maintaining a calm, positive demeanor to help keep your child calm.

Caring For Your Childs First Teeth

Most of what you need to know about caring for and keeping your baby’s new teeth clean will be covered in the appointment.

However, here’s a short version of what you should know before you come in for your first visit.  

Basically, caring for an infant’s is relatively straightforward.  You can start as soon as you notice the first teeth coming through.  You don’t need anything special - just a simple infant toothbrush (which can be bought at any pharmacy or drug store) and a small amount of toothpaste.  

At this stage, it’s important that you get your child used to brushing as part of their routine, so keeping it short and simple is probably your best approach.

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