Oral Cancer Screening - Should Seniors Patients Be Subject to Oral Cancer Screenings?

Oral cancer is not the most common topic of conversation. However, people over the age of 65 must consider getting mandatory regular oral cancer screenings. The chances of getting oral cancer are much higher for people over the age of 65. A great number of individuals, at least 65 percent - diagnosed with oral cancer survive for over five years. If oral cancer is detected early with the right oral screenings, the number of people who live beyond five years increases to 85 percent. For oral cancer screening in Millwoods, schedule an appointment today at a dental clinic near you. 

What is oral cancer?

Oral cancer is defined as cancer developing on the roof and floor of the mouth. Oral cancer can also develop on the teeth, gums, cheeks, lips, throat, tongue, and behind the mouth. Oral cancer belongs to a bigger group of cancers – the head and neck cancers. It is most often discovered once it has spread to the lymph nodes in the neck. The key to survival from oral cancer is early detection. 

Can early signs of oral cancer be detected? 

Oral cancer causes changes in the mouth that are notable. However, older patients tend to ignore these signs. The signs or symptoms include:

  • Sudden loss of teeth 
  • A lump in the neck
  • A sore on the mouth or lip that won’t heal or go away 
  • The sudden growth of mass anywhere in the mouth or tongue
  • Bleeding in the mouth
  • Sudden loss of weight 
  • Numbness in the mouth, lips, cheeks, face, or neck
  • Difficulty in chewing or swallowing 
  • Not being able to wear dentures
  • Sore throat
  • Stiff jaws or pain in the mouth 
  • Patches in the mouth, lips, or tongue
  • Continuous earache 

How can oral cancer be treated? 

Treatment for oral cancer involves chemotherapy, medication, surgery, and radiation treatment. It could either be one of these treatments or a combination of treatments. The treatment is administered based on the location of cancer in the mouth and the stage of cancer. 

Factors that can lead to the development of oral cancer

  • Poor oral health care or lack of oral hygiene
  • A weak immune system
  • Continually exposing your face to the sun
  • HPV (human papillomavirus) infection
  • Existing history of oral cancer or other cancers in the family
  • An old diagnosis of oral cancer 
  • Lack of good nutrition 
  • Genetic factors

It is also a known fact that men have double the chances of getting oral cancer than women.

What are the stages of oral cancer?

Oral cancer has four stages 

Stage 1: In this stage, the tumor size is 2 centimeters or smaller and has not spread to the lymph nodes in the neck

Stage 2: During this stage, the size of the tumor grows to about 4 centimeters and does not spread to the lymph nodes as yet. 

Stage 3: During this stage, the tumor is either any size and has advanced to one lymph node and no other part of the body or is larger than 4 centimeters but has not transmitted to the lymph nodes. 

Stage 4: At this stage, the tumor is of any size and has advanced to surrounding tissues, lymph nodes in the head and neck, and other parts of the body. 

The National Cancer Institute says that the survival rate for patients with oral cancer is five years and is as follows: 

83 percent for individuals with localized cancer which has not spread 

64 percent for individuals with stage 3 oral cancer

38 percent for individuals with stage 4 coral cancer

Oral cancer is a grave concern for individuals over the age of 65. It is essential to make oral cancer screening mandatory for individuals who are at high risk of getting oral cancer. For oral cancer screening near you, visit a dental clinic in Millwoods today.

Address: 322-6203 28 Ave NW, Edmonton, AB T6L 6K3, Canada